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Traffickers “brainwash” children in multidimensional poverty

Poverty is sometimes merely one of many deprivations crushing children.

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The domino effect: how border agents empower survivors to fight human trafficking

Agents put on their teacher hats after rescuing a girl, educating them on all-things trafficking.

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Three similarities between child marriage and sex trafficking

Child Rescue sees a kaleidoscope of social injustices worldwide, including child marriage and sex trafficking. These two crimes might seem different on the surface, but they're similar once diving deeper - especially when their lines blur in a child's story.

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Survivor nearly trafficked moments after meeting a young man on bus

Traffickers can spend up to two years grooming girls in Nepal, but others don't waste any time.

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The power of social media: how sex traffickers leverage social media for recruitment and grooming

In villages in Nepal, many girls today have electricity and smartphones, allowing them to enter the land of the internet.

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Tara’s Story: 17-year-old is the first rescue at newly-opened border station

Tara is seventeen years old and lives with her parents and siblings in rural central Nepal. She attended school through the eighth grade until she had to drop out to help her parents at home.

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Traffickers try new tactics to exploit two girls

Agents are up against new challenges as traffickers pull out all the stops hoping to sneak girls across the border and into a life of exploitation.

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