
Survivor becomes rescuer

Candace hid her abuse from her father and endured it for survival.

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Radiant: Zoey’s Triumph

Zoey’s story shows just how much rescue makes possible.

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Innovative Job Training Gives Hope to Trafficking Survivors

Real rescue is more than escape.

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Pushed to the Edge: How Desperation Fuels Child Exploitation

With no other options ahead and countless duties on their shoulders, they’re left with two terrible options: exploitation or starvation.

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“I know we have a voice”: Human Trafficking Survivor Quotes about EMPOWER

“EMPOWER is changing people”

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Ugandan Small Businesses are Enabling Freedom

To keep children free from exploitation, we’re creating sustainable economic solutions for survivors and their caregivers.

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Ten Dollars or Less: Geneva’s Journey

When Geneva’s father left them, taking the family’s only source of income with him, life as Geneva knew it quickly crumbled.

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Shona’s Success Story

After rescue from exploitation, Shona found a reason to get up in the morning.

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Changing Lives One Business at a Time

Small business training in Kenya doesn’t just help kids stay free; it’s helping to break the cycle of multi-generational poverty.

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From the Frontlines: Zimbabwe

“My life has changed; every day, I make some money to take home.”

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