
Jungle Escape

Ruth worked through the dead of night in a jungle full of dangerous animals.

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Pig Butchering: Human Trafficking on an Immense Scale

If victims fail to scam enough money, they are punished with beatings or electric shock torture.The person on the other end of your most recent spam call may be a victim.

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Relentless in Rescue

Our founder recently shared a story that revealed the heart of rescue

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TRUSTED: Why working with authorities matters in human trafficking cases

Destiny Rescue has adapted, changing their model to become better rescuers. The result has literally changed the criminal landscape in some areas.

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11 Inspiring Anti-Human Trafficking Quotes

Ending child sex trafficking seems like a daunting goal. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. One thing is for sure, awareness is the first step towards action and achieving our goal!

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Raid in South Asia Rescues Ten

Ten young women and girls in South Asia had moved from their modest homes to the city to find work. Instead, they found a horrific situation; they were quick to ask agents to help them escape.

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OSEC Team Takes Down Crime Syndicate in Thailand

A cyber-crime ring thought they were safe behind their screens. They were wrong.

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Top 4 Most Unforgettable Raids

Rescue work leaves a mark on agents—and there are some rescue operations they’ll never be able to forget.

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Ugandan Small Businesses are Enabling Freedom

To keep children free from exploitation, we’re creating sustainable economic solutions for survivors and their caregivers.

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Ten Dollars or Less: Geneva’s Journey

When Geneva’s father left them, taking the family’s only source of income with him, life as Geneva knew it quickly crumbled.

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