
Sikha’s Story: Dedicated student escapes the dangers of the sex industry

Her workplace was "hell" but she needed an income.

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A wave of rescues – 173 now free

Destiny Rescue rescued 173 girls in an undisclosed country in Southeast Asia between July and August.

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Words from Hope and Rosie

Survivors in Uganda share about their journeys into a new life of freedom.

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The second story window

Five teens quietly gathered while their seven friends slept in bunk beds around them. It was around 1 am and the girls, aged between 14 and 18, had a plan.

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Something to be proud of: Nuon’s story

“What is something you are proud of recently?” asks our translator to a survivor in our care. The question is translated into her native language of Khmer. She blinks and then knits her brows. The translator rephrases the question, but she still appears confused. She and the translator talk for a minute before the translator turns to our social worker and says.

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