
“It changes you for the rest of your life”

“This is not something you do to make money.”

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TRUSTED: Why working with authorities matters in human trafficking cases

Destiny Rescue has adapted, changing their model to become better rescuers. The result has literally changed the criminal landscape in some areas.

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Learning to Dream Again

Rescue makes so much possible.

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What is Grooming? 3 Ways Traffickers Ensnare Children

What begins as a seemingly innocent friendship often ends in tragedy.

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Top 4 Most Unforgettable Raids

Rescue work leaves a mark on agents—and there are some rescue operations they’ll never be able to forget.

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What happens after rescue?

A successful rescue doesn’t end when a child is removed from exploitation. That event is only the first step in a process that will help her stay free.

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Operation Cattleya: Over 70 rescued in the Dominican Republic

Sometimes you have to pretend to be the bad guy to save them.

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We are fighting sex trafficking and child exploitation in the Dominican Republic

Our dedicated team in the Dominican Republic assists law enforcement in rescuing children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and ensuring perpetrators are held accountable for their crimes.

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Fourteen-year-old girl safe because of agent’s creativity

Rescue agents normally go undercover, run surveillance or interview travellers at a border to rescue exploited children, but occasionally they must get creative or, in this case, musical.

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Side by Side: A Best Friend Rescue Story

Valerie* and Christina* were both young single mothers caught up in a life neither truly wanted. Coming from poor families with limited education, they had limited employment options.

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