
Survivor becomes rescuer

Candace hid her abuse from her father and endured it for survival.

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Boyfriend turns out to be trafficker

After two years of building a relationship, could this really be her future?

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Monk expelled for exploiting children online

“It was a massive breach of ethical trust between a religious leader and vulnerable kids.”

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Sex Slaves and Child Soldiers Rescued from African Militia

A new Pilot Project rescues kids from a marauding militia.

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“It changes you for the rest of your life”

“This is not something you do to make money.”

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Jungle Escape

Ruth worked through the dead of night in a jungle full of dangerous animals.

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Human traffickers elude agents… for a while.

The girls had vanished, but not for long.

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Relentless in Rescue

Our founder recently shared a story that revealed the heart of rescue

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Radiant: Zoey’s Triumph

Zoey’s story shows just how much rescue makes possible.

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Innovative Job Training Gives Hope to Trafficking Survivors

Real rescue is more than escape.

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