“Enough people haven’t stepped up and said enough is enough… This isn’t a time to be a part of the silent majority.”
Real impact. Real lives.
Because of people like you, progress is being made.
16,000+ lives set free
Operations in five regions around the world
250+ volunteers and staff serving around the clock to rescue kids and help them stay free
Give Rescue
Your gift means freedom
Join an army of Freedom Fighters standing up against the injustice of child exploitation.
Donate with Confidence
Child Rescue Charitable Trust and Child Rescue Charitable Aid Trust are registered New Zealand charities. Separate returns for each charity are filed each year with Charities Services which is a NZ Government organisation under the Department of Internal Affairs.
Annual reports to Charities Services can be viewed here
Please note: Annual Reports on this website will refer to ‘Destiny Rescue’ – Child Rescue’s name in New Zealand until August 2017.