14 rescued in 2 undisclosed Asian countries

13 children in two countries are now free from sexual exploitation!

A 14- and 17-year-old were freed during raids, which also led to the rescue of an 18-year-old girl. 11 other children between 13 and 17 years old chose freedom during undercover operations.

For the safety of our agents and survivors, we currently can’t go public with these two countries. But that doesn’t stop our team from relentlessly seeking out and saving exploited kids. To get a closer look at the heart of our Freedom Fighters, read more on our blog.

Rescue Update Archive

Two cases rescue 85 from International Human Trafficking in Asia

85 people have been returned to their home countries after rescue from international trafficking, resulting from two cases over a six-week span.

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Our agents collaborated with law enforcement in multiple operations across Asia to rescue people from international human trafficking. Most were lured out of their home countries when traffickers made false promises of good, well paying jobs. Once in the traffickers’ control, many victims were sexually abused before being forced into labor or sex trafficking.

Thanks to our agents’ involvement in gathering intelligence, performing interviews and helping with travel, all the victims (including 23 children) have been safely returned to their home countries.

Two Sisters Rescued from Sexual Abuse

A raid in the Dominican Republic rescued two young sisters.

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Local law enforcement asked our team for help investigating this case while the suspect was still at large. Fortunately, our agents helped locate the abuser. After we completed surveillance, the police conducted a successful raid, arresting the criminal.

The two girls are now safe at home with their mother. You can read more about the results of our collaboration with police in the Dominican Republic here: Teamwork Puts Traffickers on Their Heels – Destiny Rescue

10 People Rescued from Human Trafficking Across Asia

Eight children and two men are now free from exploitation.

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The eight children suffered sexual exploitation before our team gave them a way out. All the kids have been reunited with their families.

Two men were rescued from international labour trafficking. They’re now free from their traffickers and have returned to their home countries. While we don’t normally target the rescue of adults in our work, we do help when law enforcement agencies or families ask. You can read an example of how we’ve helped rescue from labour trafficking here:

Pig Butchering: Human Trafficking on an Immense Scale – Destiny Rescue

22 Children Rescued in Zimbabwe and Kenya

22 girls no longer have to sell themselves just to survive.

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The kids, all between 15 and 17 years old, have joined our Community Care program to begin their journey toward freedom. That means that they’ll continue to live with their families while benefitting from our life-changing EMPOWER trauma resilience program, meeting with other survivors and enrolling in vocational training so that they can stay free.

52 Rescued at the Nepal Border

52 people were rescued over a two-week period from traffickers.

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Our stalwart border agents kept traffickers from escaping out of the country with 52 victims. 23 of the survivors are children, some as young as 13 years old.

Survivors received counselling about how to spot and avoid traffickers in the future. While most survivors here decline to press charges for fear of suffering negative community stigma, one brave family of an 18-year-old had three female traffickers arrested.